WE are not only a Community.

WE are not only a Community.

WE Speak empowers and inspires the widowed community regardless of age, ethnic group, national origin, religious affiliation, or disability.


Welcome to WE Speak Movement, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization committed to supporting, uplifting, and providing resources to men and women of the widowed community. We fully understand that it can be heartbreaking to “welcome” you to this website. Having the title of widow or widower can be overwhelming and difficult because it means you have faced the daunting task of burying or cremating your spouse. So, we say “welcome” because we share your grief and are your community.

Our movement offers a safe, non-judgmental, and empathetic environment as you continue on your new journey. Through our personal widowed journey, here are a few things we have learned along the way:

  • Each journey of loss is different.
  • The complexities of being widowed are not always explainable.
  • Grief shows up when and where we least expect it.
  • We need a widowed community to be heard, understood, and embraced.
  • No one has to walk this journey alone.

The point is not to “get over it.” It is to connect you with people who can relate through sharing experiences, shedding tears, laughing uncontrollably, having a shoulder to lean on, or smiling as you find love again. No matter where you are on your journey, Welcome to the WE Speak Movement!

A Message to the Widowed
WE hear you. WE see you.
WE are you!

A Message to the Widowed
WE hear you. WE see you.
WE are you!

We are not here as just another widowed organization but as a united movement to bring hope after the devastation. We understand the devastation because we have walked through it. Whether the loss of your spouse has been days, months, or years, the void left in your heart can be unbearable, especially if you are trying to navigate this new life alone.

All grief is painful. However, losing the one you woke up next to, held hands with, or kissed for no particular reason is crushing. The wound of losing a spouse leaves an indelible mark and cannot be explained because you were two individuals connected as one heart. Losing them caused you to feel the anguish of a severed connection.

But…there is HOPE!

Guiding the widowed community with compassionate
support to move from grief to growth.

An Open Letter to our Family and Friends
WE Speak Movement is for You, too!

An Open Letter to our Family and Friends
WE Speak Movement is for You, too!

We will never be who we were before. Without a doubt, that’s the person you knew and loved. You saw our happiest moments. You didn’t have to worry about us as much. Even in the bad times, you were there, not to take sides but to help us. You never had to worry about whether we were eating, resting, bathing, or just living life. Your phone did not ring constantly while we were on the other end, having a memory of what used to be. Now, all those things have changed. We wish we could have prepared you for the changes, but we weren’t even prepared.

Just as you want us to return to “normal,” we wish we could, too. However, we know it is not possible. Our “normal” lives involved marriage to our life partners – that is gone. We weep, get angry, live in denial, laugh, and change our hair color all in one day! Of course, it is hard to see and understand this unfortunate metamorphosis. But you have been with us, and we are thankful.

During the most challenging part of this season, you showed up to hug us, feed us, and even clean our homes. This is why the WE Speak Movement is for the widowed and you, too. Your love has been repeatedly proven, and through this movement, we want to support you as you help us. If you have questions, ask them. If you need a break from us, take it. If we become too much to manage, talk to us. Join the WE Speak Movement as we figure this new journey out together.


Your Grateful Loved Ones